Well, here we are in 2003. My resolutions? To keep doing what I've done. Or something like that...
I know I won't be getting a raise...we got a 1-2% of our salary bonus, which is nice...I'll use it to pay off bills or something. But still, no raise isn't really good. I looked at a few job sites and stuff a month or so ago, just to see, and as expected, there's really nothing. But we'll see in 2-3 months or so. I've decided I really can't leave until March or late February. The reasoning? None really...that's just what I think. So we'll see...
Had a good time at New Year's Eve party with the friends from the neighborhood. Pretty uneventful compared to some of the past parties--of course, I don't know what, if anything, happened after me and Donna left. Didn't get drunk or really even tipsy, and didn't see any piss-drunk drivers or cops, so that was good. I guess we're just getting old... :) But in a good way...
Today was pretty lazy...I didn't sleep too late, then me and Donna went to see Lord of the Rings: Two Towers. It was good, like the first, but there were times in the middle where it seemed to drag a bit. But overall it was worth the price of admission...then we came here and I "forced" Donna to watch the "I love the 80s" shows...she left after 1988 though, because she had some things to do at home, plus it was getting late.
So, yeah...back to work tomorrow. I really wish I could just win the lottery and stop working. I'd be able to sit on my ass all day until I got tired of it (which I would eventually) and then go out and do something good in the world, whatever and whenever I wanted.