Monday, July 10, 2006

So, we're back.

And it's 3:30 a.m., I'm awake and hungry. Jet lag sucks. That said, I should fall asleep the minute I hit the pillow, since I've been up since early "yesterday" morning...didn't get much sleep on any of the flights back (three of them, a total of about 27 straight hours spent in planes or airports to get home).

In short, Australia's pretty damned kick-ass. We got a good glazing-over look at the touristy things (Sydney Harbor/Opera House, Ayers Rock/The Outback, Great Barrier Reef, etc.) and had a great time...more later...and maybe I'll have to open a Flickr account for the, oh, nearly 300 pictures we have...we'll see.

Hope you all had a great Fourth of July weekend and everything...looks like the Indiana housewarming was fun...