Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm sure this conversation has been had a thousand times on a thousand blogs, but I just need to share this, so what the hell.

Do you have a song that, no matter what's going on, where you are, what you are doing, you hear it and you smile and can get lost in the song very easily? And I don't mean lost like, singing along or anything, I mean, like, feeling like you ARE IN the, it is you. Hard to explain I think...but many of you get what I'm saying.

Well, twice in the last month or so, I've found myself getting completely lost and immersed in a song that has been among my favorites in a very short (compared to my life) time. That song is "Fast Cars and Freedom" by Rascal Flatts.

Now, the weirdest thing is this...I have no idea why my love of this song goes beyond the other songs truly in my top 5, 10, 20, etc. I mean, yes, it's a very beautiful, well-put-together, upbeat song that really says "I love you" in an "unorthodox"'s about everlasting love and nostalgia for what the person is inside and the times spent, rather than what the situation is now. The memories, the beauty, the friendship.

Do I have this today with Gina? Sure. Could I sing this song to Gina and have it apply today? Sure (except for the Red Nova and dust trail parts, of course). But, that said, it's not like it's "our song" or even one of our songs. So, that's not really it.

Nor does it apply to any other situations. Nor does it apply to, say, my parents (as Elvis' "Can't Help Falling in Love" holds a deep, deep bond for me because of my parents) or anything like that. In other words, my brain, soul, psyche or whatever really relates to this song, and it's weird because I don't really know why. But I'll tell you, I can easily, easily close my eyes and just absorb every second of the song and totally, totally enjoy it. And, it kind of puts me at peace, too, in a sense.

It's just weird. Any thoughts? :)