Sunday, January 07, 2007

Well, Tuesday, "D e s i g n e d t o S e l l" comes to "scout" our place...however, we don't do any shoots or anything until the end of the month. That's going to be the crazy time. That and the week after the Super Bowl, which is "workweek." I'm taking the week off to help them here, which will be awesome.

So I just spent a good hour or so trying to get as much dog hair up because apparently someone there is seriously allergic to dogs. Hey, I'm happy to be a nice guy and help out, no doubt about it. I went out and got a Shop Vac for the, I figured it would be a whole lot better than anything we currently had. And it was.

But, what I want to know is, how/why do they suffer through working for a company that does this kind of thing, knowing they're going to likely cross paths with dog-owner homes? Just seems like a lot of stress and silliness to me...especially for us, the dog owners. And, as many of you other dog owners know, no matter how much you move furniture and vaccuum and everything, there's always pet dander somewhere hanging out. It's nearly impossible to get rid of ALL of it. So, we did our best work to get as much of the stuff out of here as we it'll be interesting to see who is allergic, because I'm sure they'll be feeling it, at least a little bit.

The Open House, by the way, is Feb. 10 from 1-3pm. If you're in the market for a 2 bed, 1.5 bath condo in Old Irving, come on by. You could get the condo of your dreams AND be on TV. :)