Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The best Christmas gift ever...OK, well, not really...but it's nice to know that Gina and I are officially going to be on " D e s i g n e d t o S e l l " on H G T V. We got the call today saying that we've been selected!

So they'll come no later than early February to complete the work and put our place on the market...then we gotta get a new house! This is going to be so damned cool, and I really can't wait! They're gonna make the place look so good, and it'll be fun on top of it...I won't have to do all the work myself, and I'll get to "learn" from the experts about how to do half of this home improvement stuff...not that my dad isn't an expert, but it's a bit different...

I can't wait...no winter doldrums this year, that's for sure!